Close Protection

Close Protection

Bodyguards have often received a false reputation due to movies and the public imagination. Better known as Close Protection Officers, bodyguards can be covert (undercover), overt (visible) or behind the scenes making your life easier or reducing a threat. Close Protection Officers (CPO’s) may act alone or in a team, depending on the requirements. A large part of Close Protection is the behind the scenes work which include reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. If you feel you would like to explore the option of a CPO or a protection team or have a current requirement, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may never know the risk until it’s too late.


Feel free to contact us for any questions and doubts​

We appreciate your interest in Imperium Security. If you have any questions, would like to request a quote, or simply want more information about our services, please fill out the contact form.

We look forward to assisting you with your security needs and helping you achieve peace of mind

Keep in Touch
Head Office

Imperium Security Ltd.
Suite 5
Parsons Green House
27 Parsons Green Lane
